Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I'm asking everyone to please say a special prayer for our little Madyson. She is now faced with another obstacle in her young life and she needs all of us. She went for a checkup on Monday and had a MRI to check her progress from a year ago. They found a small cyst on the base of her brain. She has to go back to New Orleans tomorrow, so that Stephanie & Jeremy can discuss her care with a neurosurgeon on Friday. It is possible that she will be having surgery in the next few days. Daddy went to be with Jesus on October 9th. This special date is the date that Madyson was fighting for her life exactly one year ago. It helps me to know that my Dad will be looking over her. Please lift Mady & her family up in prayer.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Homecoming Night

My husband the photographer! I really wanted to stay at home with my Mama and after a lot of begging & reassurance, I talked Scott into taking pictures for homecoming night. He was so nervous and took his job very seriously. He did a great job and I enjoyed looking at his pictures and creating with them. All of the girls were beautiful & the Panthers almost had a win. Could there be another photographer in the family??.....

Homecoming PepRally

I have to say that I wasn't sure if I was up to a celebration so soon after our loss. Not to long after I got there, I felt a lot better. The pep rally was so good that I forgot about all of my pain for a short period. The pep rally was awesome! It was one of the best ones that I have ever been to and it was sweet how all of the Senior parents were included. Hats off to the cheerleaders and everyone that participated in supporting the Panthers!

Jake & Caitlin

I finally get to share some thoughts about the wedding moments I got to share with Jake & Caitlin. Everything was so beautiful. They are so perfect for each other. Again, my camera captured the love & humor that they share. One of my favorite pictures was when they both turned and looked at their moms at the end of the ceremony. It was like they both were saying with their eyes, "We did it!" I posted a pic, so that you can see how adorable the moment was with them. It was a blessing to be apart of their special day and wish them lots & lots of memories in the future. They are a very special couple to me. Another friendship formed through my photography....

Monday, October 20, 2008

I Love You, Daddy

My daddy, Harry Grant Willis, went to be with Jesus on October 9, 2008. He was the best father in the world. I will treasure my memories of him forever in my heart. My heart aches for him and at times it takes my breath away. He was the center of our worlds and has left a void in each one of our lives. His service was so sweet and was a wonderful celebration of his life. The following poem is something that I found and added some of my thoughts to it. I read this at his funeral. (Yes, I made it through with God's strength.) many images come to mind whenever I speak your name; It seems without you in my life things will never be the same.

What happened to those lazy days when I was just a child; When my life was consumed in you, in your love, and in your smile.

What happened to all those times when I always looked to you; No matter what happened in my life you could make my gray skies blue.

Dad, who will I turn to for answers when life does not make sense; Who will be there to hold me close when the pieces just don't fit.

Oh, Dad, if I could turn back time and once more hear your voice; I'd tell you that out of all the dads you would still be my choice.

Please always know I love you and no one can take your place; Years may come and go but your memory will never be erased.

I'll always be your little girl, Daddy, my love for you will never part; For you reside with Jesus now and Forever in my heart.

I love you, Daddy.

Friday, October 3, 2008


We have the greatest teacher in the world. Abby loves Mrs. Dee Dee!
It is such a blessing for your daughter to want to go to school. We owe this to our teachers. We had open house at school & we got report cards. Abby made banner roll & we are so proud of her! She pushes herself to get all A's. A lesson that I'm trying to teach her that I learned from my Dad is "always do your best and that will be good enough." (silly mistakes excluded!) I use to cry because my Daddy would fuss at me if I made a B in Math and he use to tell me that if that was my best then it would be good enough. But, he knew that in Math I was an A student. So, my B wasn't my best. I thought he was being mean back then, but now I treasure this life lesson. I will always remind Abby of this lesson that I learned from her PaPa and hopes that she always remembers that her best is good enough.
Here's a "Thank You" to all of the good teachers that are guiding our children!

PPHS Pep Rally

What an awesome pep rally! The teachers & cheerleaders did a great job. The excitement could definitely be felt & the students were on top of the spirit! The cheerleaders were doing some new stuff & were awesome. It's a blessing to have teachers like these to be fun, participate, & given back to our kids! Even though we lost, the community definitely comes together to support our kids in all sports. The Panther football team has come so far and this little community will be "on fire" when the boys arrive at a winning season.
Good job Panthers!