Friday, October 3, 2008


We have the greatest teacher in the world. Abby loves Mrs. Dee Dee!
It is such a blessing for your daughter to want to go to school. We owe this to our teachers. We had open house at school & we got report cards. Abby made banner roll & we are so proud of her! She pushes herself to get all A's. A lesson that I'm trying to teach her that I learned from my Dad is "always do your best and that will be good enough." (silly mistakes excluded!) I use to cry because my Daddy would fuss at me if I made a B in Math and he use to tell me that if that was my best then it would be good enough. But, he knew that in Math I was an A student. So, my B wasn't my best. I thought he was being mean back then, but now I treasure this life lesson. I will always remind Abby of this lesson that I learned from her PaPa and hopes that she always remembers that her best is good enough.
Here's a "Thank You" to all of the good teachers that are guiding our children!