Tuesday, March 17, 2009

3 Years Undefeated Champs

Our 7 year old girls won 1st place champs in Evangeline Parish Youth Basketball. We are so proud of them. It was a very trying and stressful time at the tournament this year in Grand Prairie! Our girls were undefeated during season ball, and Grand Prairie wanted them to lose at all cost during the tourney. For everyone that doesn't know what happened, I'll make it short. (Everyone in the Village of Pine Prairie has definitely heard! We were the talk of the Village!!!) During the 4th quarter against Sacred Heart, the official scorekeeper said that I did not play one of my girls 2 quarters for the game. She had played in the 1st quarter and she had marked down the wrong player. The referree actually screamed forfeit, you lost, get out of here! I started trying to explain that she had played and that we had it on video. They wouldn't even talk to me. The other coaches tried to tell them she played. Well, I started crying...I know you can't imagine me doing that. LOL! I went to talk to the director and all he would tell me was to get out! They told me to shut my mouth or I was about to get arrested. So, the tears really flowed. Meltdown would not have described what would have happened if I would have been arrested! Well, for those of you that do not know anything about Pine Prairie & sports, people come alive when you try to cheat us. The whole village comes together for our kids & sports. Well, we were all thrown out and escorted to our vehicles. I forfeited our final game because the kids were scared to death. After a sleepless night with tears, work the next day, and some encouraging phone calls, I decided that we needed to show them that we were gonna fight back. We returned Sat. morning and beat Grand Prairie in the final game. I think all of the adults were more excited than the girls. We were so proud of them! It is ashame that some adults would want to scare and cheat some little girls! The girls were saying, "you can cheat us, but you can't beat us!" They have been the tournament champs for the past 3 years! We are so proud of our girls! Thanks to everyone that supported us!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mardi Gras Madness

We had a busy last week! We started in Alexandria on Sunday for the parade with Karen and Sydney. Abby & Syndey have waited forever to play with each other. We ended the day with a get together at Beef'O'Brady's. We had a lot of laughs! On Monday I threw in a senior shoot. Monday night, we went to Mamou. Good friends of ours, Craig & Karen, got engaged. He actually stopped the music, got down on one knee with a microphone, and popped the question. It was so romantic. Early Tuesday morning, we headed to Lafayette for the day. We made it to 3 parades. A band was playing and I got Abby & Jacie to Zydeco with me. A day of lots of beads & fun. Beads, beads, & more beads! Hope everyone had a good & safe Mardi Gras!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sweet baby, Corlyn

I haven't been able to blog a lot lately b/c I haven't been able to keep up with my own life! What a couple of weeks that it has been... We finally got around to taking Corlyn's first pics this week. What a sweetheart... It's amazing what we do to the precious little angels to get that perfect shot. Wish we knew what she was thinking during all that creative drama. She performed like a pro, and I was happy with the results. Now, I can't wait to get started on some creations from the shoot. Guess she'll have a couple months off until another shoot. We love you, sweet baby Corlyn!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Embracing moments

Me & Abby spent the weekend in Oakdale and didn't come home until yesterday afternoon. It was so good to get away and spend some time with my Mom & family. We had Madelyn's 5th birthday party in Alex. on Sat. We took Abby & Alyssa. They had a blast & didn't want to leave until that night. Lots of good company. Happy Birthday, Madelyn! Sun. morning we went to my Mom & brother's church, Mt Hope. It was so good getting to see everyone. This was my church years ago and I taught Sunday School for the 4 yr olds. It was such a memorable time. My 4 yr olds are all out of high school now. It's really making me feel my age. LOL. Nancy, my sister-in-law, and Alyssa, Alex, & Jonathon sang a song special. They did so good and it made me so proud. I actually teared up. They sang about beauty from the inside out. It reminded me that God sees our hearts and that's what matters most. Great job kiddos! Abby spent the day at my brother's playing with the kids. Me & my Mom actually got to relax all afternoon together. This never happens! Abby thinks that her MawMaw has to play the whole time we are all together. and.. her MawMaw does! Me & Daddy use to get left watching tv together. I missed him sooo much this past weekend. It doesn't help to have hormones flying... So many memories, so many moments to remind me that he is not with us anymore. For now, I will embrace the moments that remind me of a memory and know that one day I will be able to run into my Daddy's arms again.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Corlyn Gail Johnson entered the world yesterday at 4:14pm. She weighed 5lbs. 10 0z. It was such a special experience to be with Nicki & Corey. Nicki had a "trying" time most of the morning and was finally able to relax because of the good epidural. Of course, the rest of us had some laughs. Chelsey & Corey added humor throughout the day. Chelsey's was innocent and Corey, well was Corey. He really did good during the delivery and actually cut the cord. We had the speaker phone on and Sydia and Landrie actually got to hear some of Corlyn's first cries. Sydia said, "this is the best day of my life." Landrie was shy and full of smiles. All Nicki could say was, Wow... Corlyn is a sweet baby girl that will have lots of love around her. I can't wait to see her again!


I was doing a photo shoot the other day and of course Abby went with me. She loves to tag along. While I was waiting for an outfit change, I looked up and was watching Abby play. She was having the best time all by herself and was picking some flowers. She was so cute skipping around with her pink camouflage boots and rolled up pants. I had to take the time to take some candid shots. She reminded me how much I love her and her smile melts my heart. After the shoot, she couldn't wait to give me the flowers that she had picked for me. We should take time from day to day in this busy world to live, love, and laugh.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rain, Rain go away!

Rain, rain go away... Rain & photography do not go good together, but I was trying. I spent the night with my Mom last Friday and had a shoot to do at 4pm Sat. We decided early Sat. morning to do it early to beat the rain. I left Abby playing with her cousins in Oakdale at my Mom's. I race to Pine & half way there the sky turned black and fell out. I get to the house and I swear it was like hurricane force winds. After the storm, Danyelle & Tammy came over to talk about wedding stuff. Danyelle is so sweet & brings excitement to photography. Can't wait to see what we create together. Congratulations Danyelle & Justin! It will be an amazing journey as we prepare for the wedding. Then, I left and went back to Oakdale. That afternoon, we decide to go ahead and try to do the shoot. Understand, the sun was out in Oakdale and the kids were playing outside. I head back to Pine and....half way there the sky fell out again! I got to Pine and turned around and went right back to Oakdale. I got everyone supper and we visited till late. Then- another trip back to Pine Prairie! I was so tired from what?!!-- Chasing photography & rain all day!!! What a day! Rain, rain stay away... Time to reschedule some shoots.