Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Landon & Cain

Today I did a photo shoot of Landon Lafleur along with his big brother Cain. He was so active and it took many hands to keep him in the "photo area". He was the "crawl away" baby. He is a very happy baby until you try to get him to sit still. He brought along his MaMa & PaPa to help him laugh. He also brought a big bear. He thought the bear was funny, but he kept tackling & wrestling him. It was too cute. Cain has some gorgeous blue eyes & long eyelashes! It took his MaMa reminding him of a little girl to get him to give us his pretty smile. Landon's Mom & MaMa was a little tired from chasing him when the session was finish. He left with a big smile on his face!

Lola Grace

Lola is such a little actress and kept us laughing the whole time. When we first started, I told her to pose. All of a sudden, she starting posing like a model & would change her poses. I couldn't help but snap some shots b/c she was too cute and was serious about her work. The more we laughed, the more she worked it! She knew what she was doing and did it with "attitude"! She reminded me of Abby so much. Even after we posed her, she would still throw some moves in there. Her brother came with her to take some pics together. Abby was bouncing around, so of course she had his attention. Since we became neighbors, Abby, Layton, & his cousin Zack have bonded. They love to swim and ride bikes. After seeing them clown together yesterday, it may be best if they don't get in the same class this year! By the end of the session, our little model was tired. It was major work to give us that beautiful smile! Lola found out that being a model is hard work!

Kayleigh & Alyssa

Kayleigh & her baby sis, Alyssa came to see me yesterday. It was the first time I got to see Alyssa since she was born, and boy was I shocked with that dark brown hair. Looking at the pics, it is like WOW. Kayleigh is so much her daddy & PaPa Jerry (poor thing-just kiddin'- got to pick on her PaPa!). Now we know Jerry could have been pretty if he would have been a girl! I believe Alyssa got some of her mom! It is definitely like night & day... Kayleigh is beautiful and my camera LOVED her! She is such a gorgeous little model. Alyssa is so sweet and performed well after her rest. She was sleepy when we started, so we let her go get her beauty rest. Her 2nd performance was a success. Her pics are SO sweet. It's gonna be fun to watch them grow up together... "Sisters by chance, Friends by choice"

Monday, July 28, 2008


Happy 1st Birthday to Parker! Is he not just the cutest?! He had the best time and his Aunt Rayna, Mom, & me just about stood on our heads to make him laugh. In the end, he was laughing at himself. Everytime he moved his legs on the cloth, he would laugh uncontrollably! He really thought he was the funniest. How cute is the gumbo pot?! His Mom has been waiting to take a pic like this since he was born and he's finally old enough. OMG- they turned out to be the cutest. A "little cajun" in a gumbo pot....Will go good in her kitchen. I had so much fun taking his pics and he had us all laughing.
Happy, Happy Birthday to our Parker Man!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Birthday Princess

A special 1st birthday for a precious little princess, Calli Elaine.
Calli is such a pretty little girl with a gorgeous smile. She was sleepy when she first got to the house, but woke up when she saw the balloons. She actually warmed up to me by the end of the session & that's a major accomplishment! She has 2 big sisters that adore her and their friends are "crazy" about her. I hate to see if anyone ever tries to mess with her!
Sugar & Spice
Everything Nice,
That's what Calli is made of....
Happy 1st Birthday, Calli!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


A new creation to share! I took Jackson's pic and added bubbles with photoshop. It was so fun. I ordered a copy today & can't wait to see it in copy. Creating is the funnest! & my little Jack is the cutest!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Color My World, Too

Did I say "Color My World"?!! Abby, Jacie, & Lily were having the time of their lives, but little did I know their imaginations were going wild, again. This was the slumber before the slumber!

Runaway Birthday Boy

Tanner had his 1st birthday in May & we finally got around to taking his pics.
I have been with Tanner since his birth at the hospital until now. I have definitely witnessed a blessing and Tanner truly is a miracle of God's love. Believe me, he is very healthy & active. After yesterday, he earned the name of "Runaway Birthday Boy"! Everytime we sat him down and got ready to take a pic, he was gone. The cupcake got him to sit still for more than 10 secs!What a blessing it has been to follow Tanner through his first year. Happy 1st Birthday, Tanner!


Maleah is the sweetest baby girl! She is the daughter of Tim & Brittany Rodriguez. She is only 3 months old & performed like a pro. She liked the "performance", but did not like the outfit changes. Just wait until she's a little older & that will definitely change! I was SO excited when I was reviewing the pics because she is so precious and we caught her smiles & happy moments. What a sweet, precious baby girl.....Maleah

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I took my favorite man's pics today and they turned out so cute. He is quite "attached" to his Mom, so it was fun trying to take his pics without her being in them! I finally got to take some pics with my new bathtub and Jack was the first. I love, love it! I knew I would, but seeing his pics made me love it even more. After taking most of the month of June off for all-stars, I really missed taking pictures and creating memories. I actually did 3 sessions today and will continue to post & blog them. You can check them all out at www.picasaweb.google.com/sassysnaps.
My little man is the sweetest and those big, blue eyes are gorgeous! Wonder how long he's gonna let his Nanny take pics of him like these?!

Color My World

Abby & Jacie have been anything BUT bored this summer. They have let their imaginations go "wild"! We never know what they are going to do. AND with each idea comes a different outfit of course. One day, they had been swimming and somehow decided to paint. They conned Scott into giving them some of my paints without me knowing. To Scott's surprise, they painted the trampoline! The look on his face was priceless. Abby & Jacie definitely "color my world" and have so many "sweet summertime" memories to treasure.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


We just got back from Baton Rouge. Me & Scott took Abby to Blue Bayou and spent two nights relaxing. We had a good time & Abby cannot get enough of water! The day we left, we took Abby to Libby Lu's. We had seen the place the first night we were there while walking in the mall, and Abby made us promise to bring her back. They treated her like a princess and she loved it! She is so gonna be in show biz one day... She strutted her "stuff" the rest of the day and got "attention" everywhere we went. This is the first trip that I did NOT have a camera! (yes, I can't believe it either & I was dying big time!) We went to Best Buy & the lady in the camera dept thought Abby was so cute. She actually took a pic of her playing some drums and made me some copies. After we got home, I finally got to take some of my own. I thought that we would have kept the hair"do" for days, but I actually got her to wash her hair that night.
What a day for the princess and a good couple days away.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mrs. Josephine

A good friend of mine, Denise, asked me to take pics of her Mom to create a special invitation for her 75th birthday. Me & Denise have worked at Cabrini together for 10 years. Wow- how time flies! We worked nights together years ago and had some of the best times. Through all of the nights, I learned a lot about Denise, her boys & Mom, and family. Her Mom would come bring the boys to visit sometimes. She is such a sweet person and always had a beautiful smile. She's had a few battles with her health, but is doing well now. She has an amazing supportive family. Her grandsons actually stay with her at night and help take care of her. How amazing is that?!
When I got there to take her pics, a lot of the family was there. She was in her chair and looked so beautiful. She had a makeover by the girls. Makeup, hair, & a lot of TLC was given. All of the attention was amusing her. Her "girlish" grin was too cute! We got the pics taken and now I will begin to make an invitation for her special celebration in August. Happy 75th Mrs. Josephine!