Saturday, November 29, 2008

A thankful heart

It's been awhile since I posted. Been very, very busy with pictures. I have a lot to catch up on with my thoughts & memories of all the pics. Thanksgiving was difficult this year without Daddy. Me & Abby spent a lot of time with Mama. Abby baked for 2 days and loved every minute of it. Mama called her "little miss Betty Crocker" and she wanted to know who that was. It helps to be with her, but it's hard not having Daddy there. He used to always come and check on "his girls". I made a list of things this year that I'm thankful for: A forgiving God that is always with us, a husband that works hard to provide for us, a daughter that means the world to me, a mother that is so giving of herself, Brian & Julie for blessing me with the sweetest Godchild, two brothers that are always there for me to lean on, wonderful nieces & nephews, my best friends that laugh & cry with me, bringing Madyson home to us, and so many years with the best Dad in the world. His life lessons & love will forever live on in each of us. God is so good to us, and I thank him for all the blessings in our lives. I am grateful with a thankful heart.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Spiritual Renewal

I attended a one day photography workshop with the famous photographer & scrapbooker, Karen Russell. It was awesome, awesome, awesome! I learned so much. It was such a great experience to have someone tie together photography & scrapbooking. It's all about telling a story. It was 11hrs of class with only a 1hr lunch break. Literally, no breaks at all. Now, I know for sure that I love photography! LOL! That is so much of what my heart is all about. Another photographer in town is telling everyone that will listen something bad about me and my photography. Even that, I don't have a studio and that is why they shouldn't use me. My home is my studio. I actually had to explain this to some seniors Friday night at the game that she had spoken to about me. This was bothering me a lot because anyone who knows me well, knows that I don't like to have anything to do with turmoil. After yesterday, none of it bothers me anymore. I am who I am! This workshop gave me a renewal for life! Does it sound like I went to church?... Well, that's what it felt like. A spiritual renewal! I was so excited on my way to my Mom's last night when it was over. I talked her ears off on the phone. My photography is totally different than anyone else's. I do not do it for money. I create with my photography to give each person a unique memory to cherish. I sincerely do photography because I love it and I love to create. Anyone can be a photographer. A photographer takes a picture to create a story to remember. In my scrapbooking, I get to build on the story of the photograph. Actually made another friend yesterday. Photography is great for new friendships and I've been blessed by many. By the way, I'm getting a studio! Yea me! Did I say that my class was awesome?!! LOL!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sweet Baby Madyson

My photo shoot with Madyson was so sweet. Me & Stephanie wanted to hurry and take her pictures in case she had to have surgery. We knew that they would have to shave some of her beautiful hair. We had fun with her during the shoot. It reminded us how blessed we are to have her in our lives. She growled out me, clapped for herself, played peek-a-boo, smiled, and showed how shy she can be by covering her eyes. I think the picture of her with her hands over her eyes is my favorite. It's hard for us to believe that our baby girl has been through so much in her first year of life and now faces another battle. As I told Steph, she is a fighter and has great strength. She has been a blessing to us and continues to show us what it means to have faith in God. Continue to pray for this sweet child of God. I love you, Mady.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I took 2nd birthday pictures for Bailey today. She is special because I was actually Emily's nurse when she delivered Bailey. I have taken pictures of her since she was a baby. How neat is that?!! I was her nurse and now her photographer. It's been amazing watching her grow and capturing the moments. She is a beautiful little girl with a very outgoing personality. Happy 2nd Birthday, Bailey...
Update on Madyson- She has a cold, so they couldn't do anything at this time. The cyst is not congenital and was actually caused by trauma or lack of oxygen to her little brain during the time that she had her seizures from the immunization shots a year ago. She will see the doctor in New Orleans for tests next week and the plan of care for surgery will be determined. She is so special to all of us. Please continue to remember all of them in your prayers. She is a little miracle with strength unknown to many of us. I love you, Mady.